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Screen Time Report

Colorful graphs and histograms with the app logo and title provide a clear vision of screen time situations and app usage.

  • The time of app usage is accurate to seconds.
  • A brief view of the dashboard front page and a detailed version are provided.
  • Know how long your kids have spent on their phones.

Available for:

Limit or Block Apps at Will

In the FamiGuard Pro Screen Time function, you can set apps using rules for specific apps. Parents can define the day and maximum time for each app.

  • Not just limit; you can block or even uninstall apps.
  • To build a balanced life between screen time and daily life.
  • Keep track of screen time to develop a healthier habit for kids.

Available for:

Limit or Block Apps at Will
Export Screen Time Report

Export Screen Time Report

The screen time report is more than just data displayed on the dashboard because you can export and download the report for offline review.

  • Export 1,000 items at a time.
  • The report includes detailed software information such as app names, versions, sizes, and the number of visits.

Available for:

Set up FamiGuard Pro in 3 Simple Steps

1. Sign up Free and Choose Your Plan

Register for a free FamiGuard account and choose a suitable subscription plan.

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sign up

2. Follow the Setup Guide

Download, installation, and configuration. Whether manually or automatically, that is easy.

follow guide

3. Monitor Screen Time Now

After completing the task, you can check screen time app usage and limit or block apps from Phone Files > Screen Time.

View Demo
begin tracking

Average Screen Time of Adults and Kids

For many adults, screens are essential for work, communication, and leisure activities. Adults spend approximately 6 to 8 hours per day engaging with screens, encompassing tasks such as work-related activities, social media interactions, online browsing, and entertainment consumption. While some screen time is necessary and productive, prolonged exposure can lead to various health issues, including eye strain, sedentary behavior, and disruptions in sleep patterns.
While children's screen time habits have evolved significantly in recent years, with access to smartphones, tablets, and computers becoming increasingly prevalent, children aged 8 to 12 spend around 4 to 6 hours per day on screens. In contrast, teenagers may spend even more time, averaging 6 to 9 hours daily. Screen time for children often includes educational content, gaming, social media engagement, and video streaming. However, excessive screen time can have detrimental effects on children's physical health, mental well-being, and academic performance.
Excessive screen time has been associated with a myriad of adverse outcomes for both adults and children. In addition to physical health concerns such as obesity and poor posture, prolonged screen use can also impact mental health, contributing to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and attention deficits. Furthermore, excessive screen time can hinder social development and interpersonal skills, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection from real-world interactions.

Best Phone Tracker for Parental Control

Start your phone monitoring with FamiGuard Pro today and keep your child safe online.

Best Phone Tracker for Parental Control

FAQ About Screen Time:

  • 1. What is healthy screen time?

    Healthy screen time refers to a balanced approach to using digital devices, where screen activities are moderated and supplemented with other activities such as physical exercise, social interaction, and outdoor play. It involves using screens to promote well-being and not negatively impact physical or mental health.

  • 2. How much screen time is OK by age?

    Screen time recommendations vary by age and developmental stage. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests limiting screen time for children aged 2 to 5 to one hour per day of high-quality programming, while older children and teenagers should have consistent limits and prioritize healthy activities such as sleep, exercise, and face-to-face interaction.

  • 3. What is unhealthy screen time?

    Unhealthy screen time refers to excessive or prolonged use of digital devices that negatively impacts physical health, mental well-being, social relationships, or overall functioning. It can lead to poor posture, obesity, sleep disturbances, eye strain, social isolation, and decreased academic performance.

  • 4. Can too much screen time harm you?

    Yes, too much screen time can harm physical and mental health. Excessive screen time has been linked to various health issues, such as obesity, sleep problems, eye strain, headaches, musculoskeletal issues, anxiety, depression, and social difficulties.

  • 5. Should I limit my 14-year-old screen time?

    Yes, it's important to limit screen time for 14-year-olds and encourage a balanced lifestyle that includes a variety of activities such as physical exercise, social interaction, hobbies, and academic pursuits. Setting limits on screen time can help promote overall well-being and healthy development.